“that what is made, His workmanship”

You become what you behold.

Behold Creator, become creative.

Poiema Project exists to engage mankind with its Creator. We do this through making space for creatives to sell their masterpieces, release inspiring resources and provide opportunity for collaborative community projects.

This is the space for P.P. creatives to bundle up their created things in each of these unique bundles. Every bundle is prayerfully designed with the intent for facilitating engagement with the Creator unto transformation into His likeness. The Market is also the place to find all of our Poiema Project resources that are for sell.
Ask us about discounted bulk orders!

Poiema Pop-ups are what we like to call “Show and Tell”. These are held multiple times throughout the year in multiple locations around the world. Pop-ups are opportunities for our sub-creators to show what they’ve made, tell people about it and sell their work. This is done collaboratively with local vendors and supported by our Poiema family.

Poiema Photo is our photography service. Anywhere from individuals, families and events, Poiema Photo captures moments that declare the handiwork of God.

Greenhouse is the visionary space where our underdevelopment projects are being tended to. Currently incubating:

The Seekers App

The Journey

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. “

Ephesians 2:10